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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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188 publications
  • 07.09.2020

    Five ways to fight child labour during a crisis like COVID-19

    Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, the ECLT Foundation has adjusted its programmes to protect the children, families and farmers where we work. Here are 5 ways we can work together to continue to fight child labour during a crisis, like coronavirus, and bring long-lasting change for communities.

    #National #Projects #COVID

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  • 31.07.2020

    Rebuilding resilience with farmers in Mozambique

    Supporting farmers to improve their income can make all the difference in the fight against child labour. In this article we share how we can help farmers become more resilient to shocks and less likely to have to send their children into child labour at certain times of the year.

    #Projects #Advocacy

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  • 03.07.2020

    Job skills training to promote decent work and fight child labour

    One of the ways to “Build Back Better” is to strengthen the resilience of rural communities in low-income countries. In this article we focus on the importance of building resilience of young workers in rural communities to tackle child labour and promote economic growth.

    #National #Projects #Advocacy

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  • 22.06.2020

    COVID-19: Updates from our project countries

    To build the resilience and prepare vulnerable rural communities to the threat posed by COVID-19, ECLT and its network of partners have developed context specific activities to complement on-going programmes to fight child labour.

    #ECLT News #Projects

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  • 16.06.2020

    Renewed Commitments Across Sectors to Fight Child Labour in Malawi

    To mark World Day Against Child Labour, the Government of Malawi has made the new National Action Plan for Child Labour (NAP II, 2020 – 2025) publicly available. In this article we share how NAP II will make all the difference in the fight against child labour in Malawi.

    #National #Advocacy

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  • 08.06.2020

    Impact of Crisis on Child Labour: Lessons from COVID-19

    In this article, we share the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic and suggest policy and practical measures that can be taken to ensure improved resilience of vulnerable populations to protect children from child labour in the event of future crises.

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 03.06.2020

    COVID- 19: Young Perspectives from Guatemala

    To better understand how COVID-19 is impacting rural communities in Guatemala, and some of the ways in which we can help support them, we asked young people about their experience and how they are coping during the crisis.

    #National #Projects

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  • 30.05.2020

    Committed against Child Labour -- UNGC Report 2019-2020

    Especially during the COVID-19 crisis, ECLT has relentlessly pursued partnerships, fostered collaboration, and taken action to support children, farmers, and families in areas where tobacco is grown. Find out more about how our work aligns with the UNGC’s 10 Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals in our latest report to the UN Global Compact.

    #Annual Report #Advocacy #Child Labour #UNGC

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