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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Highlights of our work around the world
188 publications
  • 26.01.2021

    Accelerating Action in 2021

    The world is racing to end all forms of child labour by 2025, to meet SDG target 8.7 and guarantee that children everywhere can fully enjoy their human right to be child labour free. Commitments are coming from every level, at launch to declare 2021 the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.


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  • 20.01.2021

    What are child protection systems and why are they important in the fight against child labour?

    It takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a whole eco-system to keep them safe to help them grow Every child has the right to grow, learn and play safe from any form of harm. Read this article to understand how strong child protection eco-systems could hold the key to ending child labour once and for all.

    #International #Advocacy #Child Protection

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  • 07.12.2020

    National Action Plans to fight child labour

    This International Human Rights’ day we are reminded of the instrumental role that NAPs play for the protection and respect of human rights, and the duty State’s and businesses have in the development and implementation of these.

    #Advocacy #National

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  • 19.10.2020

    Fighting child labour by improving food security

    The WFP estimate that 690 million people are suffering from hunger worldwide -- almost 9% of the world’s entire population. As the global pandemic disrupt lives and economies, millions more are at risk of being pushed into hunger.

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  • 01.10.2020

    Coping with COVID Closures: rural communities must not be left behind

    As challenges caused by COVID-19 continue with no clear end, major news sources and international organisations raise global awareness on the realities faced by children and families. Collaborative action is needed to ensure that rural communities are supported sustainably.

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  • 21.09.2020

    Providing essential support to rural communities during COVID-19

    The ECLT Foundation has been partnering with local and national capacities, like Farmers’ Associations for example, to share important information about the virus and its potential impact on child labour, to protect lives, secure food supply chains and support rural livelihoods. Read our article for more information.

    #Projects #COVID

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