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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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188 publications
  • 11.04.2022

    Supporting Children's Rights through education

    In #Uganda, the already weak education system was hit hard by the pandemic, affecting millions of children and increasing the risk of #childlabour.

    #Child Protection #Rural Development

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  • 02.03.2022

    Improving incomes and empowering women – a killer combo in the fight against child labour

    When families are financially empowered, particularly women and mothers, they are far more likely to invest in their children’s education and remove them from any potentially dangerous work in the fields. In this article, we will be explaining why investing in the financial empowerment of rural families, and more specifically women, is such a powerful tool in the elimination of child labour.

    #Projects #Women's Empowerment

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  • 18.02.2022

    The strength of the "we": this is how Uganda is joining efforts to tackle child labour

    The Global Conference for the Elimination of Child Labour will take place this year for the first time on African soil, and organisations like ECLA Uganda will be able to share how they are tackling the problem. In advance, Eddie Wambewo, its Executive Director, spoke with us about their collaborative efforts to raise awareness, implement policies and support communities

    #Advocacy #Child Protection

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