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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Highlights of our work around the world
188 publications
  • 09.05.2019

    Empowering Rural Youth through Model Farm Schools

    Model Farm Schools are a sustainable and effective way to help young people improve their livelihoods by empowering rural youth to increase their profits, invest in diverse crops or livestock and, in some cases, become business owners. ECLT is committed to working with young people in agricultural communities where tobacco is grown, to build capacities and job skills relevant to local markets, helping them secure decent work.

    #Projects #National

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  • 19.03.2019

    Hazardous Child Labour in Agriculture

    73 million children are doing work which is considered hazardous putting their health, safety, development or education at risk, much of which is done in agriculture.

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 08.03.2019

    Empowering Women & Girls: Simple Solutions

    43% of all work in agriculture is done by women. Supporting education and skills training for girls and women causes a huge list of benefits for communities. It helps boost economic growth, curbs infant mortality, improves child nutrition, leads to healthier, smaller families.

    #Advocacy #Local

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  • 25.02.2019

    Child Labour and Child Protection

    With more than 152 million children doing work that puts their health, safety and development at risk, it is important for child protection systems to take these children’s needs into account. When child protection systems are set up to respond to the risk of child labour, they are better able to prevent, protect and respond to harm.

    #Projects #Advocacy #International

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  • 15.02.2019

    Malawi: Long-Lasting Change for Families

    Agriculture is the largest sector in Malawi and provides an income for 84% of the total population. Children in rural families often work alongside their parents to contribute to their household incomes and meet basic needs, sometimes doing work which is both hard and hazardous at their age. Nearly 2 million children are doing work that puts their health, safety and development at risk in Malawi. Here's what ECLT are doing about it.

    #National #Projects

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  • 10.02.2019

    Child Work, Child Labour

    1 in 10 children worldwide are in child labour, putting their health, safety, education or development at risk, often to support themselves and their families. 71% of child labour is in agriculture, most of which is hazardous

    #Advocacy #International

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