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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Highlights of our work around the world
188 publications
  • 12.07.2019

    Annual Report 2018 - Beyond the Numbers

    ECLT’s 2018 Annual Report looks back at some of the highlights in the fight against child labour over the past year. Going beyond the numbers we’re sharing the stories of some of our beneficiaries about our sustainable programmes in six countries.

    #ECLT News #International

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  • 04.07.2019

    Social dialogue & Collaboration: ECLT Statement at ILO Technical Meeting

    Our sole purpose and mandate is to prevent and protect children from child labour wherever tobacco is grown. As a global leader working to keep children from tobacco growing communities in-school, and adolescent workers protected from hazardous child labour, we know what works. Collaboration! Collaboration with Governments, Collaboration with Unions, Collaboration with Companies, Collaboration with the ILO, and above all Collaboration with the Communities and families - who rely on us to get this right

    #International #Projects

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  • 30.06.2019

    Happier, healthier and more stable in Uganda

    To better understand the impact of the REALISE project, ECLT asked over 300 people from our project communities what changed for them. See what they said in this video.

    #National #Projects

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  • 28.06.2019

    Better together: an urgent call for collaboration against child labour

    An urgent call for collaborative, effective solutions to stop child labour - The discussions at the upcoming ILO Global Meeting can impact on children, farmers, workers, families and communities throughout Africa and around the world.

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 17.06.2019

    Learn for Dreams: Suly's Story

    Now Suly is studying towards her Baccalaureate. She particularly enjoys the computer courses and dreams one day of becoming a computer graduate. Thanks to the Support of her community and her husband Suly feels encouraged and inspired to empower herself and her family.

    #Projects #Local

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  • 10.06.2019

    Learn for Dreams: Austin's Story

    Quality education holds the key to getting children on the pathway to their dreams and away from child labour. This is Austin's story of how school meals and improving children's futures in rural Malawi.

    #Projects #Local

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  • 03.06.2019

    Learn for Dreams: Mwalimu's Story

    Quality education holds the key to getting children on the path to their dreams and away from child labour. This is Mwalimu's story about how quality education is changing children's futures in her village in Tanzania.

    #Projects #Local

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  • 24.05.2019

    School Gardens to Learn and Grow

    A good diet is essential for school-aged children. School gardens are a sustainable way to provide children, in farming communities, with the nutritious meals they need to focus in school and teach them life skills.

    #Local #Projects

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  • 14.05.2019

    Brighter Futures in Mozambique

    ECLT partners with iDE and FAA to reach over 32,000 children, farmers and families in Mozambique, focusing on communities that are at particular risk of child labour. The project's approach aims to improve access to and quality of education for children, support parents to strengthen and diversify their incomes, raise awareness of the dangers of child labour and support National Action Plans for lasting and wide-reaching impact against child labour.

    #Projects #National

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