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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Highlights of our work around the world
188 publications
  • 23.10.2019

    Bringing Communities together to Fight Child Labour in Guatemala

    In a rural area of Guatemala, children, teens and young people are gathering entire communities and national institutions to raise awareness on topics which are crucial in helping rural youth reach their full potential. Read our article to learn from the children how community fairs give children and young people a space to share their thoughts and opinions on important topics with concern them.

    #Projects #National

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  • 14.10.2019

    Is Education the key to the SDGs?

    Education is a key part of getting children out of child labour, but it also reduces poverty, increases health, promotes peace and leads to more political participation. Originally published in the ITGA Courier

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 26.09.2019

    Measuring Impact in Uganda

    What has been the impact of our work on the ground? In 2018, ECLT set out to better understand what has changed in the lives of our beneficiaries from their perspectives. To do so, we used a Social Return on Investment methodology.

    #Projects #National

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  • 10.09.2019

    Fighting Child Labour in Malawi

    In the past 3 years, ECLT has supported over 26,000 children and 15,000 adults access schools, learn about child labour and safe agricultural practices, earn and save money, and improve nutrition in Malawi. Read our article to learn more about the fight against child labour in Malawi.

    #Projects #Local

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  • 23.08.2019

    Protecting children from child labour: Children’s fundamental rights

    This year marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most accepted international conventions, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Since the signing of the CRC in 1989, children and the fulfilment of their rights have come a long way. Read our article to learn more.

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 21.08.2019

    Mozambique: Rural Development for a Brighter Future

    Since January 2019, ECLT has been working with implementing partners IDE and FAA to fight child labour in Mozambique, a country where 1 in 5 children is in child labour. Read our article to learn about our impact this year.

    #Projects #National

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