Our impact

The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Here you can find and download any of our publications from over the years.

Check out our annual reports, partner reports, best practices, pledge realisation documents, Social Return on Investment reports and much more below.

23 publications

Malawi's Agriculture Labour Practices Progress Report

When the story of the successful war against human rights violations in the tobacco industry in Malawi is written, the past twelve months will feature highly. This is because it is the period that saw some key milestones achieved and a strong foundation for the elimination of human rights violations in tobacco laid.

Tobacco Working Group on Child Labour 2023 Annual Report

The Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) team's dedication to advancing sustainability, enforcing ethical practices, and promoting social responsibility within Zimbabwe’s tobacco sector is reflected throughout this report, and echoes their commitment to aligning with global standards.

Annual Report 2022

It is with great pleasure that we present the ECLT Foundation’s 2022 Annual Report, marking yet another remarkable year in our journey towards the elimination of child labour in agriculture.

Available in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

Inaugural report of Zimbabwe's Government

Over the years, numerous initiatives have been undertaken by the Government of Zimbabwe to continue in the fight against child labour. This inaugural report documents the progress made in these endeavours from 2018.