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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Highlights of our work around the world
  • National
43 publications
  • 13.06.2024

    World Day Against Child Labour: Commitment from our partners in Indonesia

    The Partnership for Action Against Child Labour in Agriculture (PAACLA) Indonesia and our implementing partner, JARAK, collaborated with various parties to organize the World Day Against Child Labour commemoration at the national and local levels on June 12, 2024.

    #Advocacy #National #PAACLA

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  • 22.09.2021

    Supporting farmers to build resilience

    Some of the root causes of child labour are direct consequences of natural disasters. Read our article about supporting farmers, families and children to rebuild for resiliency after natural disasters like the cyclones in Mozambique.

    #National #Projects

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  • 02.08.2021

    How social dialogue can hold the key to decent work and the elimination of child labour

    When social dialogue takes place, and trade unions can take part in collective bargaining, more decent work opportunities are created meaning employers and employees are far less likely to have to resort to child labour to improve productivity or supplement household income.

    #National #Advocacy #Local #Business and Human Rights

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  • 25.06.2021

    Building Stronger systems for every child

    Guided by the Convention of the Rights of the Child, a Child Protection Eco-System goes beyond the consideration of one specific issue to prevent and respond to these in a wider context to make sure that no child is left behind. To see how a Child Protection Eco-System works in the context of child labour, check out our annual report.

    #Annual Report #International #National #Local #Child Protection

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  • 26.03.2021

    How rural communities hold the key to ending child labour

    Targeting farming communities and involving them in rural development processes is critical to driving change and making rural areas a place where children, farmers and families can thrive.. We spoke with Mary Liwa, programme director at TAWLAE, about the crucial work that the association does to build capacity in areas of farming and child protection, and where she draws her inspiration from.

    #National #Projects #Child Protection #Rural Development

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  • 07.12.2020

    National Action Plans to fight child labour

    This International Human Rights’ day we are reminded of the instrumental role that NAPs play for the protection and respect of human rights, and the duty State’s and businesses have in the development and implementation of these.

    #Advocacy #National

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  • 07.09.2020

    Five ways to fight child labour during a crisis like COVID-19

    Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, the ECLT Foundation has adjusted its programmes to protect the children, families and farmers where we work. Here are 5 ways we can work together to continue to fight child labour during a crisis, like coronavirus, and bring long-lasting change for communities.

    #National #Projects #COVID

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  • 03.07.2020

    Job skills training to promote decent work and fight child labour

    One of the ways to “Build Back Better” is to strengthen the resilience of rural communities in low-income countries. In this article we focus on the importance of building resilience of young workers in rural communities to tackle child labour and promote economic growth.

    #National #Projects #Advocacy

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