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188 publications
  • 10.11.2017

    ILO to develop strategy to address decent work in tobacco

    The International Labour Organization (ILO) Governing Body has concluded the discussion regarding the collaboration between the organisation and the tobacco industry, calling on the Director-General to develop “an integrated ILO strategy to address decent work deficits in the tobacco sector” while “taking into account all views expressed in the current session.”

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 01.11.2017

    Supporting farmers transitioning from tobacco in Kyrgyzstan

    Over 1 billion people work in agriculture around the world – just under a third of global employment. Realities faced by millions of farmers depend on global markets that are out of their control. What happens to smallholder farmers when markets shift? In this mini-documentary, the ECLT Foundation took a look at the example of tobacco farming in Kyrgyzstan where it has been working for over a decade.

    #National #Projects

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  • 01.11.2017

    Malawi Congress of Trade Unions Statement to the ILO Governing Body

    The following statement was published by the Malawi Congress of Trade Unions to the ILO Governing body in advance of the vote regarding cooperation with the tobacco industry in the pursuit of the Organization’s social mandate.

    #National #Projects

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  • 30.10.2017

    ECLT rebuts FCA assertions that Swiss Foundation encourages child labour practices

    The public debate regarding collaboration between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the tobacco industry in the fight against child labour, in advance of the Organization’s 331st Governing Body Session, has sparked strong feelings and discordant opinions.

    #ECLT News #International #Advocacy

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  • 25.10.2017

    Malawi Grower Associations confirm commitment to coordination and collaboration on child labour

    The Tobacco Association of Malawi (TAMA) and the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi (NASFAM) have released an open letter to the ILO Governing Body and in joint response to the recently published letter from TOAWUM.The Tobacco Association of Malawi (TAMA) and the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi (NASFAM) have released an open letter to the ILO Governing Body

    #National #Projects

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  • 20.10.2017

    New ILO paper on cooperation with the tobacco industry

    The International Labour Organization (ILO) has released its paper on cooperation with the tobacco industry in the pursuit of the Organization’s social mandate in preparation for the upcoming Governing Body session.

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 29.09.2017

    New USDOL report and tools on eliminating child labour from supply chains

    There are 10% fewer children in child labour than in 2012 - continuing trend that we have seen for the past 15 since the ILO began measuring.  However, with 152 million still in labour, the rate in decline has slowed and there is still work to be done.

    #International #Advocacy

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