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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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Highlights of our work around the world
188 publications
  • 16.07.2018

    Collaboration with Mozambique to fight against child labour

    The ECLT Foundation and the Government of Mozambique joined forces to strengthen the fight against the worst forms of child labour, particularly in the areas where tobacco is grown. The 2018 Memorandum of Understanding will focus on community education and training, awareness and communication, institutional capacity building and revising the legal framework on child labour.

    #National #Projects

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  • 10.07.2018

    Big impact, small budget in Malawi

    A little goes a long way to improve children’s lives in rural communities where tobacco is grown. Working in collaboration with local implementing partners, YONECO, the ECLT Foundation was able to act quickly, providing funding and mobilising the community to renovate and finish 3 houses for teachers, as well as an office to safely store books and materials away from rain and the elements.

    #Projects #Local

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  • 03.07.2018

    Multi-stakeholder Commitments against Child Labour in Zimbabwe

    ECLT Foundation staff were invited by the Zimbabwean Government to join in a critical and timely discussion on child labour in tobacco agriculture. The meeting helped build consensus among the key stakeholders responsible for eliminating child labour and resulted in several concrete commitments.

    #Advocacy #National

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  • 28.06.2018

    Together against child labour in Mozambique

    The ECLT Foundation joined together with the Government of Mozambique in a MoU to create a platform to combat child labour and strengthen the rights of children, particularly those in situations of poverty and vulnerability in rural areas where tobacco is grown.

    #National #Projects

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  • 25.06.2018

    2017 Annual Report

    The ECLT Foundation has a bold ambition. We are working for rural families so they can benefit from farming while ensuring that their children are healthy, educated, safe from exploitation, and encouraged to reach their full potential. In 2017, we responded to the large number of challenges faced by rural communities where tobacco is grown.

    #ECLT News #International

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  • 05.06.2018

    A single head does not carry a roof against child labour

    World Day Against Child Labour 2018 focuses safety and health for young workers and fighting hazardous child labour. Young people above the legal age have the right to work, but their health and safety must be ensured. ECLT is supporting celebrations taking place in Malawi were the Foundation has worked since 2002.

    #Projects #International

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  • 30.05.2018

    On your mark, get set, STOP CHILD LABOUR!

    World Day Against Child Labour 2018 focuses safety and health for young workers and fighting hazardous child labour. Young people above the legal age have the right to work, but their health and safety must be ensured. ECLT is supporting celebrations taking place in Tanzania were the Foundation has reached over 9,500 children since 2013.

    #National #Advocacy #Projects

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