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Shaping a sustainable future: Key takeaways from the 2024 UN Global Compact Leaders Summit

The ECLT Foundation attended the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Leaders Summit and Forward Faster Acceleration Day, held in New York from September 24-25, 2024. This pivotal gathering brought together influential leaders from business, government, and civil society to drive forward corporate responsibility and accelerate efforts towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Over two days, attendees engaged in dynamic discussions, and workshops focused on actionable strategies to meet ambitious targets.

Key Themes and Topics Discussed

Accelerating Private Sector Action on the SDGs The overarching theme of the Summit focused on the private sector's role in advancing SDG progress. With the 2030 deadline quickly approaching, the sessions emphasized the need for businesses to go beyond pledges and take concrete action. UNGC leaders called on companies to embed sustainability into their core business strategies, align operations with SDG goals, and publicly track progress. The Forward Faster initiative was central, urging companies to adopt aggressive goals in areas such as climate action, gender equality, decent work, and human rights.

Climate Change and Decarbonization Climate change was a prominent issue at the Summit. Several discussions emphasized the necessity of achieving net-zero emissions, particularly in high-emission industries such as energy, transportation, and manufacturing. Companies were urged to focus on decarbonization strategies, clean energy transitions, and resilience-building in the face of climate change. Businesses shared best practices for adopting renewable energy, circular economy models, and innovations that minimize environmental footprints.

Decent Work, Labor Rights, and Child Labour Eradication Of particular relevance to the ECLT Foundation, the Summit underscored the importance of protecting human rights and ensuring decent working conditions. Discussions highlighted the intersection of economic inequality, labour rights, and child labour, calling on businesses to step up efforts in eliminating these social injustices. Companies with global supply chains were encouraged to adopt stronger policies against child labour, forced labour, and unfair working conditions, and to partner with civil society organizations and governments for systemic change.

Financing the SDGs Another crucial topic was the need for innovative financing mechanisms to support SDG-related projects. The Summit highlighted the growing interest in impact investing, green bonds, and blended finance models as critical tools to bridge the funding gap for sustainable development. Several speakers emphasized that aligning corporate financial strategies with SDG priorities is essential for long-term business viability and global prosperity.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Gender equality and social inclusion were framed as essential to achieving the SDGs. Discussions focused on the need to increase women’s participation in leadership, address gender-based discrimination, and promote social equity within corporate structures. Companies were urged to set measurable targets to increase diversity and inclusion in their workforce, as well as in their leadership teams, to drive social impact.

Forward Faster Acceleration Day: Highlights

The Forward Faster Acceleration Day (held on September 25, 2024) was a deep dive into the practical implementation of SDG targets. This day was designed to challenge businesses to adopt and achieve the Forward Faster goals—specific, actionable targets aimed at speeding up progress on the SDGs. Workshops and interactive sessions provided insights into tools, technologies, and partnerships necessary for scaling sustainability initiatives.

The topics discussed included:

Decarbonization Pathways: Companies discussed how to accelerate their transition to net-zero emissions, with a focus on renewable energy adoption and emissions tracking.

Human Rights and Supply Chains: This session concentrated on how companies can ensure human rights are respected throughout their supply chains, with a focus on eradicating forced and child labour. Participants shared innovative strategies for supply chain transparency and labour rights monitoring.

Impact Measurement and Reporting: A major focus was placed on how businesses can measure, report, and improve their SDG performance using ESG frameworks and digital tools.

Public-Private Partnerships: The role of multi-stakeholder partnerships in driving progress was explored. The emphasis was on collaborative efforts that bring together governments, businesses, NGOs, and international organizations to tackle complex global challenges

Looking Ahead

Attending the 2024 UN Global Compact Leaders Summit and Forward Faster Acceleration Day was a truly inspiring and enriching experience for the ECLT Foundation. The Summit underscored the urgent need for global collaboration to address critical challenges such as child labour and the need for decent work across supply chains. It served as a powerful reminder that every stakeholder – whether in business, government, or civil society – plays a crucial role in realising the SDGs. Together, we can build a world where children are free to pursue their potential, unhindered by exploitation.

The Summit provided fresh insights, invaluable connections, and actionable strategies for accelerating progress towards a child-labour-free world. By integrating these lessons —around partnerships, climate action, innovation and business engagement— ECLT can enhance its alignment with the SDGs and amplify its impact in the years leading up to 2030. Through continued collaboration and strategic focus, we’re poised to drive the meaningful change needed to protect children and promote decent work across the agricultural sector.