Malawi: first country where the ECLT Foundation started our project work on the ground
Malawi is the country where the ECLT Foundation started our project work on the ground, working to fight the root causes of child labour in rural communities where tobacco is grown.
Since 2002, the Foundation has reached over 195,000 community members and children.
Our work with the Government of Malawi
Committed to collaborative solutions for children and families, the Foundation has worked with the Government of Malawi, the trade unions, employers’ organizations, private sector companies, civil society, communities, and the ILO to prevent children from falling into child labour: removing those already involved, enrolling them in schools and supporting their families for sustainable impact.
Child Labour is a cross-cutting issue and requires crosscutting multi-stakeholder solutions to effectively address its root-causes. Building strong commitments in the fight against child labour from various stakeholders is a major force of sustainable change in Malawi sought by the ECLT Foundation.
Download our Policy Brief
To find you more about ECLT's work in Malawi, download our Policy Brief : (Policy Brief Malawi 15 years of impact against child labour.pdf)