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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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192 publications
  • 18.08.2021

    Humanitarian Crises: report on responding to child labour in times of emergencies

    A new report with both practical tools and case studies useful for policymakers, practitioners and advocates in the fight against child labour. Recognising that humanitarian crises are major drivers of child labour and identifying safeguards to not only address child labour when it happens but to prevent children from falling into child labour are crucial to make progress against the SDG goal to eliminate child labour by 2025.

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  • 02.08.2021

    How social dialogue can hold the key to decent work and the elimination of child labour

    When social dialogue takes place, and trade unions can take part in collective bargaining, more decent work opportunities are created meaning employers and employees are far less likely to have to resort to child labour to improve productivity or supplement household income.

    #National #Advocacy #Local #Business and Human Rights

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  • 25.06.2021

    Building Stronger systems for every child

    Guided by the Convention of the Rights of the Child, a Child Protection Eco-System goes beyond the consideration of one specific issue to prevent and respond to these in a wider context to make sure that no child is left behind. To see how a Child Protection Eco-System works in the context of child labour, check out our annual report.

    #Annual Report #International #National #Local #Child Protection

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  • 17.06.2021

    2020 Impact COVID: Protecting children from child labour now more than ever

    During COVID-19 schools had to close, and in many remote areas, children did not have access to electricity let alone internet. With millions more children out of school, families earning less because they cannot get their produce to markets, many of them had no choice but to work in dangerous conditions on farms. In this difficult time, the ECLT Foundation partnered with local and national capacities to take urgent action and ensure sustainable change.

    #Annual Report #Projects #COVID

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  • 14.06.2021

    2020 Annual Report: Urgent and sustainable action for children

    Throughout 2020 the COVID-19 crisis posed an urgent risk to children, keeping millions out of school and potentially pushing them into child labour. Responding quickly to emerging needs, the ECLT Foundation took essential steps in the countries where we work which have since shown results. ECLT’s Annual Report 2020 highlights some key areas of intervention relating to COVID-19 which have reached over 300,000 people in the last year alone

    #Annual Report

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  • 10.06.2021

    New Global Estimates: A call to ACT NOW!

    For the first time in 2 decades, the number of children in child labour has increased, even before taking into account the on-going COVID-19 crisis causing school closures and threatening family livelihoods, according to the latest global estimates put out by the ILO and UNICEF. As of 2020, there are 160 million children in child labour around the world, doing work that is harmful to their health, safety, development, and future, this is a 6% increase since the previous estimates in 2016. What does this mean? Here are some quick figures.

    #Research #International #Advocacy #Child Labour

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  • 10.05.2021

    ECLT’s sustainable exit phase in Tanzania

    his year ECLT has launched the exit phase of the PROSPER project in Tanzania to address the root causes of child labour. Implemented by national partners, TDFT and TAWLAE, the exit phase, PROSPER/RESET, draws upon the learnings from the findings of the external independent evaluation, to build enhanced model for sustainable action to fight child labour.


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