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192 publications
  • 02.11.2021

    Unlocking Global Solutions against Child Labour

    The FAO's Global Solutions Forum was an online event spotlighting positive practices to fight child labour in agriculture. Child labour is a serious violation of children's human rights. However, it is also a symptom of many deep root causes, including poverty and lack of access to education and basic services. Sustainable development is not possible when there are still 160 million children in child labour around the world -- 70% of them in agriculture.

    #International #Child Labour #Child Protection #Advocacy

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  • 15.10.2021

    Making progress against child labour during a pandemic: the farmers' perspective

    To see how far we have come in the fight against child labour during COVID-19, and whether farmers are still facing these issues a year on, we spoke to Mercedes Vázquez from ITGA to hear from the point of view of farmers‘ associations and here is what she shared

    #Projects #COVID #Rural Development

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  • 05.10.2021

    USDOL findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labour 2021:

    The new Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor reveals some of critical obstacles slowing progress towards the elimination of child labour, and some of the meaningful efforts carried out in certain States. Below, we have summarised some of the key findings from the report

    #International #Advocacy

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  • 30.09.2021

    Protecting Children in a Changing Climate

    A new report from Save the Children, Born Into the Climate Crisis, presents evidence that urges immediate action to secure the rights of children now and for future generations.

    #International #Research

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  • 22.09.2021

    Supporting farmers to build resilience

    Some of the root causes of child labour are direct consequences of natural disasters. Read our article about supporting farmers, families and children to rebuild for resiliency after natural disasters like the cyclones in Mozambique.

    #National #Projects

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  • 20.09.2021

    Business and Human Rights: a system for success

    Businesses play an important role in supporting and respecting human rights. Increasing understanding of supply chains, reporting requirements, and regulation mean that this more than just a “nice to have” or a box to check. How can different entities work together to the Business and Human Rights Ecosystem? This article highlights some important roles.

    #International #Business and Human Rights

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  • 07.09.2021

    Schools are reopening, here are our priorities for rural education looking ahead

    In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had forced over 168 million children out of school during closures. Almost two years later, countries like Uganda are opening their gates again meaning millions of students are back and safe in the classroom. Many of these students are now behind in the curriculum, and have been exposed to child labour, early marriage, exploitation or other serious child protection concerns, particularly in rural areas. As we look ahead, we need to start thinking about how we can recover and support children to catch up and remain in school.

    #International #Projects

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  • 03.09.2021

    Poverty, Social Protection and Fighting Child Labour

    “Realizing children’s right to social protection is indispensable for combating child poverty.” according to the latest report from the ILO. It details how child-sensitive social protection policies can be powerful tools for policymakers to formulate policies and allocate resources that “serve children’s needs and rights.”

    #Research #International #Advocacy

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  • 30.08.2021

    Village Children’s Forums to end child labour in Indonesia

    "The Village Children's Forum gave me the opportunity to express my opinion about my life and other children' lives. I am grateful to be able to participate in the village development planning meeting and to convey the voices of children so that policymakers can hear them". Read this article to learn about how Village Children's Forums are fighting child labour in Indonesia.

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