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The ECLT Foundation works directly with communities in 6 countries.

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192 publications
  • 30.04.2020

    The gender gap is making girls more vulnerable to child labour on farms.

    The message is clear, the gender gap is still present, as is being exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. If we do not invest in gender equality our development efforts will not be sustainable. Ending discrimination against women and girls is not just a development concern and a root cause of child labour, it is a basic human right.

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  • 08.04.2020

    Small-scale farmers, children & COVID-19: What can be done?

    COVID-19 is likely to have a negative effects on the livelihoods and education of small-scale farmers and children in rural areas around the world. This article sums up what can be done to smallholders and children from the negative impacts of COVID-19.

    #ECLT News #International

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  • 03.04.2020

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Labour in Agriculture

    Worldwide 152 million children are still in child labour; the majority of them, 108 million, work in agriculture. How will COVID-19 impact efforts to end child labour in the sector, in line with SDG Target 8.7 and ILO conventions?

    #International #ECLT News

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  • 02.03.2020

    Coming together for a brighter future in Indonesia

    Nearly 3 million children are involved in child labour in Indonesia. ECLT supporting public and private sectors to come together in a partnership to advance progress in the fight against child labour on the ground.

    #National #Projects

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  • 21.02.2020

    Opening doors to a new world of work for youth in Guatemala

    Job skills training and subsidised internships are offering young people in Guatemala new opportunities to use their talents and increase their chances to reaching their ambitions through the EEMPATA Rural Training Model.

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  • 10.02.2020

    Why does child labour happen? Here are some of the root causes

    Children are most often involved in child labour because their parents or guardians consider it ‘normal’ for children to work, and sometimes for children’s own survival and that of their families. Here are some of the root causes which make children particularly vulnerable to child labour.

    #International #Advocacy #Projects

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  • 28.01.2020

    ECLT invests in long-term capacity to fight child labour across sectors in Uganda

    ECLT is proud to welcome ECLT Uganda Affiliate Office: an independent locally based organisation set up to promote multi-stakeholder collaboration in the fight against child labour in Uganda. Read this article to learn how the new Affiliate Office plays a unique role by putting a stop to the displacement of child labour from one sector to another through collaboration.

    #National #Projects

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  • 20.01.2020

    Quality Education for a Brighter Future

    As the world celebrates International Day of Education, it is time to reflect how access to quality education can fights child labour, gives children a brighter future, breaks the cycle of poverty, promotes development and advances progress towards the SDGs

    #International #Advocacy

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