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World Day Against Child Labour: Commitment from our partners in Indonesia

The issue of child labour is still a global problem. The number of child labour globally according to the ILO in 2021 is estimated to be around 160 million children. Meanwhile in Indonesia, in 2021 there are around 3.36 million children aged 10-17 years who are working. Of this number, 1.05 million children falls under the category of child labourers prohibited by the Labour Law. More than half of child labourers (58.5% or around 817 thousand children) are in rural areas.

The World Day Against Child Labour in Jakarta, Lombok, and Jember

Ahead of the peak of the World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) commemoration on June 12, 2024, the Partnership for Action Against Child Labour in Agriculture (PAACLA) Indonesia and JARAK collaborated with various parties to organize the WDACL commemoration at the national and local levels, including a commemoration event at Eco Park Tebet, South Jakarta, (on a public holiday, Sunday, June 9, 2024 to ensure that many children and the general public can participate). The WDACL event in Jakarta was attended by more than 200 participants from various children's communities in Greater Jakarta, representatives from Ministries/Institutions, academicians from the University of Indonesia and representatives from companies and institutions/stakeholders who are members of PAACLA Indonesia and JARAK.

The purpose of the commemoration of the 2024 WDACL is to strengthen the commitment and role of various parties to be involved in tackling child labour by providing a forum for various parties to share good practices in dealing with child labour and a space for children’s creativity to 2 campaign on child labour prevention.

There were many activities presented, including Speak-ups from participant representatives, art and cultural attractions, education on the elimination of child labour, trees of hope, commitment signatures, and also various entertainment prizes.

PAACLA and JARAK's local partners also commemorated the WDACL with events held in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, and Jember, East Java.

This year theme for the WDACL commemoration is "Let’s act on our commitments: End Child Labour ". This theme was selected to ensure that agendas in countries that has committed to eliminate child labour through the ratification of ILO Convention No. 138 and ILO Convention 182, as well as other commitments outlined in countries’ national strategic programs for the elimination of child labour can be realized in concrete actions.