Four years ago, ECLT began a partnership with the SMERU Research Institute to conduct the first comprehensive study on the nature and root causes of child labour in agriculture with a special emphasis on tobacco farming in the selected areas of East Java and Lombok.
NGO partners LPKP and SANTAI, supported by ECLT, have made significant efforts to mainstream child labour issues into existing programmes developed by the local government such as Child Friendly Cities, Provinces, Districts or Villages.
Findings of the Study
As the study ended and programmes continued, it became clear that although good efforts were being put in place by the government, tobacco companies and civil society, in isolation they would not bring sustainable change on the issue child labour. The need for a multi-stakeholder partnership emerged and ECLT has shared this with all relevant parties who have agreed to give their support.
Partnership in Action Against Child Labour in Agriculture
In October 2018, the first meeting of the ‘Partnership in Action Against Child Labour in Agriculture’ (PAACLA), was held, bringing together relevant national and local stakeholders against child labour. The meeting was hosted by the Indonesian State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and supported by ECLT and partners.
Engaging Stakeholders
BAPPENAS agreed to take leadership of the PAACLA, demonstrating a firm commitment to fighting child labour in Indonesia. The Foundation will continue to engage local and national partners and provide technical support to make sure existing efforts, resources and information are coordinated to increase impact on children in rural agricultural areas of Indonesia.
Child-friendly Villages
Visits to communities can be an opportunity to engage children and community members and raise awareness dangers of child labour in agriculture. The ECLT Foundation staff visited two child-friendly villages in the district of Jember and met the members of the child forums to discuss afterschool activities keeping children out of labour which included volleyball, football, martial arts, environmental projects and cultural dance classes.
Looking ahead the ECLT Foundation will continue to convene with relevant stakeholders at local, district and national levels in Indonesia to bring locally owned and long-lasting change for agricultural communities and their children.