Study hard, dream big,
be inspired by these stories.

Mwalimu’s Story
"Now most of my students have the reading and maths skills to go to secondary school."Better facilities, materials & scholarships mean that 400 children in Mwalimu’s school in Tanzania are now more prepared to reach their dreams.
Before the project which began in 2011, parents could not afford to send their children to school. Awareness raising on the dangers of child labour, and investment in quality education now means that this is no longer the case. “ECLT’s support has really paid off, since 2015 all primary students have graduated to join secondary” shared Mwalimu.
Children in Mole village primary school shared their dreams of becoming nurses, doctors, pilots and actors with ECLT staff. Now attending a good quality school means that these children have the tools that they need to achieve their full potential.

Suly’s Story
"When I heard that there was an opportunity to return to education I thought today is the day! Returning to school after 10 years is a joy. I will be prepared to provide for my children and myself."Suly had to drop out of school as a child because her mother could no longer afford to send her children without the support from their father.. Suly had been busy raising 2 children of her own when she heard from other young people in her community in Guatemala about an opportunity to return to study technical skills relevant to accessing decent work.
Now Suly is studying towards her Baccalaureate. She particularly enjoys the computer courses and dreams one day of becoming a computer graduate. Thanks to the Support of her community and her husband Suly feels encouraged and inspired to empower herself and her family.

Austin’s Story
"I hope to go to secondary like my brother."Austin Watson, aged 14 years old, shared how he used to go to school on an empty stomach, finding it hard to focus and learn until eventually he had to drop out.
ECLT supported a project providing school meals to children like Austin at Chilwa Primary school in Malawi. Austin has now enrolled in school again, and is receiving scholastic materials to support his education. He is now in the top 10 of his class!
Thanks to the project Austin and his parents are positive about his bright future and for the many other children like Austin in the three districts that ECLT supports.

Service’s Story
"The school feeding programme has been a great success. Children are not only attending more regularly but they’re also achieving better grades."Shared Dramadri Service the Deputy Headteacher of Tontema Primary school in Uganda. Before the project children used to come to school with an empty lunch box and would struggle to focus in class on an empty stomach. School attendance used to drop by half over lunch time as children would leave to find food in the afternoon. Missing classes meant that school performance was low, with few completing primary education.
Now all of the students and staff receive a nutritious warm meal for lunch. Last year school attendance significantly increased almost all the children succeeded in their exams. The school garden is producing over 4 acres of maize and beans. Food is also being prepared more hygienically and consistently.